To succeed as a business and as a family, family members need special help working through various challenges to perpetuate the business and maintain relationships. Legal, financial and business advisors are called upon to help with the challenges family businesses encounter; relationships, succession, transition, conflict and more.

While each professional discipline works in its own way, an advisor must understand the broad nature of complex family business enterprises and work with unique challenges that arise at the intersection of family and business systems.

Build your confidence and ability to address family business concerns with new skills and resources

“I have benefited from the learnings and practices of the Family Business Learning Program. They help me integrate my technical knowledge and over 40 years of experience as a CPA and consultant with the skills needed to connect with people at their deepest needs and desires. I have found this integration key to raising my effectiveness in coaching business leaders through complex business and personal issues.”

Randy Kroll
Executive Consultant
Participant in the 2021 HFBI Cohort

Add value to your family business relationships

“As someone who is involved in a family business, as well as family business consulting, I have grown as a result the Family Business Learning Program by learning how to create white space in my relationships; setting boundaries that help me be a better family member and coach.”

Michaela Smith
Licensed Psychologist and Family Business Consultant
Participant in the 2021 HFBI Cohort

Understanding the emotional component of family business issues is critical in achieving success as a family and as family business professionals.

The goal of the Hubler Institute Family Business Learning Program is to help professionals enhance their capacity to successfully enter into and navigate complex emotional issues. During the program, participants learn what it means to move from “Head to Heart”.

Working in family businesses with transitions and other issues means professionals are often invited into the emotional space of family relationships—requiring them to manage a complex series of business and emotional issues.

We all have stories planted years ago – originating from relationships and experiences in our family of origin – that have taken root and continue to shape our character. As we progress through life, we put into practice the morals of those deeply rooted stories well into our adult lives.

Often, these practices are ineffective in our interactions with those we actually seek to help as coaches and/or advisors. Until we become aware of these root stories and realize how they impact our ability to interact with others, it can be difficult to remain emotionally balanced.

This new awareness, mixed with proper motivation, enables our participants to consciously adapt their stance for better interaction.

Many advisors find they cannot be helpful in these complex dynamics or that their suggestions fall flat due to family dynamics that undermine their work.

The Learning Program

Our intensive post-graduation learning program in family business coaching offers an in-depth professional development course designed to give participants a solid foundation in the methods of working with family-owned businesses.

The 12-month program includes learning sessions, self-directed cohort group sessions, readings, case studies and individual coaching sessions with Tom Hubler.

Who Should Apply?

Generally, professionals who have acquired technical expertise with service backgrounds like consulting, organizational development, management, legal, finance, accounting, insurance, psychology and social work will benefit most from this learning program.

Professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds who want to deepen their understanding of family-owned businesses, add depth to their skill set, and build confidence in their coaching ability should apply now.

For more information, please contact Randy Kroll at 612-860-6127